In Uniform

In service to the country

Of course, Dad wasn't the only one in the family who served in the military. Around a Veteran's Day several years ago, Linda felt moved to document the soldiers, sailors and marines in our family, when and where they served and with a period photograph.


Dad and Linda - 1974
Dad and Linda - 1974

Joseph Snoble

Josef Snobl (later Joseph Snoble) enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1917 when he was about 20 years old. He also became a naturalized citizen at this time. He walked 42 miles from Lovelady to Palestine, Texas, to enlist.


Anthony Snoble

After dropping out of high school at age 16, Anthony W. Snoble spent two 6-month hitches in the Civil Conservation Corps (CCC) at Eldora and Ames, Iowa respectively. In 1940 at the age 17, with parental permission, he joined the U.S. Navy for a six-year term.


Jerry Snoble

Jerry J. Snoble served three 6-month hitches in the Civil Conservation Corps (CCC) from 1938 to 1940 at Lamont, Iowa. About 1940 he joined the Iowa/Minnesota National Guard and became a member of Company C, 133rd Infantry of the 34th Division.


Theodore Tschopp

Theodore C. Tschopp enlisted in the U.S. Navy in October 1942. He went to The Great Lakes Naval Training Station for basic training. He was then sent to Gunnery School at Treasure Island, California. He then returned to Cedar Rapids before being assigned to commission his ship, the USS Gatling.


Erwin and Herbert Tschopp

Erwin J. Tschopp enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1943. He did his basic training in Farragut, Idaho and then additional training at Treasure Island, California.

Herbert F. Tschopp enlisted in the U.S. Navy immediately after Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7th, 1941.


Alfred Tschopp

Alfred J. Tschopp enlisted in the U.S. Air Force August 15, 1950. He went to Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas for basic training. Alfred then attended Supply Technician School and Teletype Mechanics School in Denver, Colorado and Cheyenne, Wyoming.


Joseph J Snoble

After completing high school and working for two years, Joseph J. Snoble enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1951 at the age of 20. He was sent to Schofield Barracks in the Hawaiian Islands for infantry basic training.


Oscar Tschopp

Oscar H. Tschopp enlisted on March 21, 1951, after a 2-foot snowstorm in Cedar Rapids. He went to Aircraft and Engine School and B-29 School at Sheppard AFB, Wichita Falls, Texas; Merced, California; and Mildenhall AFB in England.


Linda Blank

Linda B. Tschopp Blank enlisted in the U.S. Army in October of 1972. She went to boot camp at Fort McClennan in Anniston, Alabama. After boot camp, Linda went to Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.


David Blank

Dave Blank enlisted in the U.S. Marines September 2000, in Des Moines, Iowa. He went to Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California for his basic training. After advanced training at Twenty-Nine Palms, California, Dave was permanently assigned to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

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